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no need to waste a bloom

Everything needs pruning once in awhile.  At least that is what my hubby tells me.  And, well, scripture speaks to it, too.  But, I always hate the process.  And, more often than not, I fuss about it. Jimi was recently trimming back some overgrown, summer flowers.  He thoughtfully stopped and handed me a beautiful bunch for a vase.


I quickly ran to the street and rescued a few more blooms from the growing pile.

No need to waste a bloom.

There are times when like the flowers, pruning is required in our own life.  Those parts that we allow the Lord to cut away are never wasted either. We learn from those experiences.  And, we are better for the pruning.  Without it, our spiritual life would be stunted.  Just like the flowers, once pruned we will blossom and bloom more than ever before. Scripture speaks to that very thing…

“He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more.”- John 15:2-3 (NLT)

Pruning is never easy. However, pruning produces more than we can ever imagine.

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